Physical Production

Ali Cherkaoui

First Assistant Director

After studying film direction in Paris, Ali had the chance to start in the industry as a “video assistant” on Martin Scorsese’s Kundun. This was a unique and privileged opportunity to watch, listen and learn from a legendary director, just a few feet away.

Since then, Ali has gradually built his career as an “assistant director” on various projects, from high-budget Hollywood films such as Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Munich, Hugo, The Hunger Games, The Last Duel to European features with Academy Awards winning directors such as Danis Tanovic and berlin & Cannes film festival selectees such as : Teona Mitevska, Laïla Marrakchi… not to forget, television projects with Emmy Awards winning directors on tv series such as : Sex and the City (Tim Van Patten, Michael Patrick King), Entourage (Mark Mylod), Homeland (Daniel Minahan, Lesli Linka Glatter), The Spy (Gideon Raff)…

All of these experiences have allowed him to achieve a high level of efficiency and organization, with precise management of crew, cast and extras. He has also developed the necessary flexibility, adaptability, and “know-how” to find creative solutions with fewer resources when needed.

Having worked in over 25 countries around the world, Ali has gained extensive field practice in places like France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Spain, Monaco, Hungary, North Macedonia, Malta, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Saudi Arabia, India, Thailand, China, and the Philippines. Each foreign experience has reminded him that there can be different ways to do the same task but that things can run smoothly on set if we know how to listen, watch, adapt, organize, anticipate and well communicate well with local crews.

Ali was born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco, and is trilingual, totally fluent in French, English, and Arabic (Moroccan & Classical). He also has elementary proficiency in Portuguese and basic knowledge of Spanish, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, and Macedonian languages.

Ali is a member of the Directors Guild of America (DGA) and a past vice-president and active board member of the French Association of Assistant Directors (AFAR).