Physical Production
Director of Photography
Rasa Partin is an experienced DP, shooting commercials for industry giants across fashion, automotives, news, as well as narrative films. He holds a BFA Film Production from Brooklyn College and a MFA in Cinematography from the American Film Institute. Previously, Rasa has shot for companies like Google, Apple, Cartier, Nike, Toyota, and Toshiba. Rasa Partin’s latest feature film Kemba directed by Kelley Kali (Paramount+ / BET) stars Nesta Cooper, Sean Patrick Thomas and Michelle Hurd and Jagged Mind (Hulu) starring Maisie Richardson-Sellers and Shannon Woodward. Previous feature films include Immaculate Room directed by Mukunda Dewil, the single-shot Saviors directed by Christopher Greenslate, TV show Kappa Kappa Die (Warner Bros) directed by Zelda Williams and Los Wanabis directed by Santiago Paladines.